chakra Tag

Crown Chakra

IF YOU DON’T ALREADY KNOW WHAT A CHAKRA IS, PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO READ OUR PREVIOUS POST ENTITLED CHAKRAS FOR BEGINNERS This blog will talk about the Crown Chakra, known in Sanskrit as Sahasrara. This chakra is associated with your spirituality and overall spiritual balance. This is the seventh main charka and the third when talking about the chakras involved with...

Third Eye Chakra

  IF YOU DON’T ALREADY KNOW WHAT A CHAKRA IS, PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO READ OUR PREVIOUS POST ENTITLED CHAKRAS FOR BEGINNERS This post will talk about the Third Eye Chakra, also known as the Brow Chakra and Ajya Chakra in Sanskrit. This is the sixth charka and the second when talking about the chakras involved with spirit. This chakra will be...

Heart Chakra

  IF YOU DON’T ALREADY KNOW WHAT A CHAKRA IS, PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO READ OUR PREVIOUS POST ENTITLED CHAKRAS FOR BEGINNERS This blog will talk about the Heart Chakra also known as Anahata in Sanskrit. The Heart Chakra is represented with the color green and depicted with the image shown above. The element for this chakra is air. It relates to oneness...

Solar Plexus Chakra

If you don't already know what a chakra is, please take a moment to read our previous post entitled Chakras for Beginners This post will discuss the Solar Plexus Chakra also known as Manipura in Sanskrit. This chakra embodies the color yellow and is depicted with the image above. The herbs and scents associated with this chakra are; ginger, cinnamon, sandalwood, and patchouli. The...

Sacral Chakra

  If you don't already know what a chakra is, please take a moment to read our previous post entitled Chakras for Beginners This blog will talk about the Sacral Chakra also known as Svadhisthana. It is portrayed with the color Orange and is symbolized with the image you see above. It is associated with the element of water portraying similar characteristics such as...